Hi everyone, today, I am going to talk about a multipurpose product that is highly beneficial for our skin and hair, it’s called Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar is made from apple juice and is pale yellow to orange-ish in color. Apple Cider Vinegar contains Mother, mother in ACV are thread like strains that gives it a murky appearance. These are in fact, the most important part of the Apple Cider Vinegar as mother contains enzymes, probiotics like yeast and gut-friendly bacteria. Therefore, to get all the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, we must buy the one that has Mother in it.
It is made by extracting apple juice, followed by the fermentation process that leads to the conversion of the sugars into alcohol along with the release of two acids like malic acid and acetic acid that are responsible for its vinegar like strong smell. There are so many health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and one can use it for the skin and hair care as well.
I use ACV to get soft shiny hair and to maintain an acne free skin etc. Let me tell you, how I use Apple Cider Vinegar in my everyday life to solve the beauty problems and how you too can give these tricks a try.

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Care
Apple Cider Vinegar can turn that dull and damaged hair into shiny and soft hair. The process is pretty simple. Just take 2-3 teaspoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar and mix it in one glass of water, then keep it aside and wash your hair using any regular shampoo. Post which rinse your scalp and hair.
Now, after rinsing, use the above solution (Apple cider Vinegar infused with water) to give a last rinse. This helps in two things, first, it will make your hair shinier and smoother secondly, it will remove the oils and sebum from the scalp. Thus, it not only treats dull and damaged hair but can also be used for the oily hair and scalp.
If dandruff and product Build Up is your primary issue then ACV works like a charm. Just take 2-3 spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and mix with a cup of water. Apply this on the scalp and massage, and then leave it for 30 minutes. Post this, you can wash the hair. This is not just effective to cure dandruff but also removes the product build up. You should include ACV in our daily regime to get rid of the residue and product build-up from the scalp.
Do you have oily hair?
Including Apple Cider Vinegar regularly in my hair regime has given me an oil-free scalp and my hair feels bouncier. Just like we use beer shampoos for thin and oily hair, one can get the similar effects of Apple Cider Vinegar application.
Moreover, one can also use ACV to combat the hair fall and to make the hair grow back. ACV is an effective cleansing agent that clears the scalp. While most of the shampoos increase the pH of the scalp, ACV restores the PH balance of the scalp. It gets rid of the dirt and sebum from the scalp that results in the squeaky clean scalp with no clogged pores. This can, in turn, make the scalp breath easily and aids in the growth of the hair follicles.
To combat hair fall using Apple Cider Vinegar, you can give a try to this quick hair pack.
Apple Cider Vinegar with Honey Hair Pack
- Take 7-8 spoons of ACV in a cup and add 2 teaspoonfuls of honey to it.
- Stir it well and let the mixture dissolve completely.
- Apply on your scalp and gently massage the scalp using this mixture.
- Leave it for 2 hours then wash off using a mild herbal shampoo.
- It can be repeated at least once or twice in a week.
This ACV Hair pack helps you cure issues like dandruff, oiliness and hair fall.
How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin Problems
I also use ACV for my skin and honestly, this is one of the best kitchen beauty products that can be a problem solver. How? I’ll tell you!!
I have oily and acne prone skin, with oily skin, open pores become a common issue that is hard to tackle and due to sebum and dead skin cells, dust and dirt gets accumulated and causes breakouts. ACV is a wonder product that can be used to treat these problems.
Hence, I use Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother to make a homemade toner that helps me cure not just the oils and sebum but acne too.
Here is a simple recipe to follow. Take 4 parts of water and 1 part of Apple Cider Vinegar. This means if you are taking a half cup of Apple Cider Vinegar then take 2 cups of water. Mix them in a bowl and store in a clean spray bottle. Just spray it over your skin and leave it for some time. After that, wash your face, this will help in cleaning your skin and also get rid of the hardened sebum, dust, impurities etc. This toner minimizes the pores and the skin tone looks much better. You can also use the same, before applying makeup so, that the open pores can be minimized. This also helps in a flawless application of the foundation. So, these are some of the ways, I use Apple Cider Vinegar to treat the skin issues that I have.
As ACV helps kills the bacteria causing pimples, I have also used ACV to treat acne breakouts. So, to cure acne and pimples, I apply some Apple Cider Vinegar over the acne part using a Q tip at night. This has to be kept overnight for the product to work better. Then wash your face with water. This effectively clears acne and the breakouts. Use this regularly to keep your skin acne-free.
So, have you tried ACV yet? How was your experience?